
Technical recipes for frequently and infrequently recurring problems

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Clean up temp files

Various processes that Hyrax runs (e.g., ffmpeg, imagemagick, browse_everything) leave temporary files in the /tmp directory. Over time, these build up and fill up the disk, causing errors. To prevent this, put a cron job in place to remove them on a regular basis.

Also, Blacklight saves user searches, and over time these will fill up the database. They also need to be deleted regularly.

  1. Install whenever by adding this to your Gemfile and running bundle install:
  gem 'whenever', require: false
  1. In the base of your project run:
  wheneverize .
  1. Edit config/schedule.rb and add:
  # Delete blacklight saved searches
  every :day, at: '11:55pm' do
    rake "blacklight:delete_old_searches[1]"

  # Remove files in /tmp owned by the deploy user that are older than 7 days
  every :day, at: '1:00am' do
    command "/usr/bin/find /tmp -type f -mtime +7 -user deploy -execdir /bin/rm -- {} \\;"
  1. Add to Capfile file:
  # use whenever to manage cron jobs
  set :whenever_command, "bundle exec whenever"
  require "whenever/capistrano"

Now, when you deploy the code, it will create the relevant cron jobs for the deploy user.