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Steps required to restore data from one hyrax system to another

This guide was written for moving data and state from one hyrax system to another. It was written for the Emory ETD application, but should apply to other systems with some changes to names etc.

Before you begin

Make sure that ssh keys have been added to the different servers that you will need to login to and move files around.

You’ll need to be able to login as ubuntu to the demo-etd server from the fedora, solr, and Hyrax servers. This may involve generating ssh keys and copying them to demo-etd from each of those servers.

1. Restore fedora

Note: We always want to back Fedora with postgres in our production setups. This method ensures that whatever system was used to back Fedora on the original box, it will go into a fedora backed by postgres.

On original fedora box:

On the new box:

2. Backup and Restore Postgres

On the old system:

sudo -u postgres pg_dump -U prod_etd -Fc prod_etd_db > /tmp/prod_etd_pgdump.15May
scp prod_etd_pgdump.15May

On the new system:

ubuntu@demo-etd:~$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE ROLE prod_etd;
postgres=# ALTER ROLE prod_etd CREATEDB;
postgres=# ALTER ROLE prod_etd LOGIN;
postgres=# ALTER ROLE prod_etd ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '***';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE prod_etd_db;
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE prod_etd_db TO prod_etd;
ubuntu@demo-etd:~$ sudo -u postgres psql -U prod_etd prod_etd_db
Password for user prod_etd:
psql (9.5.12)
Type "help" for help.

ubuntu@demo-etd:~$ sudo -u postgres pg_restore -d prod_etd_db ./prod_etd_pgdump.15May
$ sudo systemctl stop apache2
$ sudo systemctl stop sidekiq
ubuntu@demo-etd:~$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# DROP DATABASE laevigata;
postgres=# ALTER DATABASE prod_etd_db RENAME TO laevigata;
## These last two might be necessary to grant permissions
## to the expected database role on the renamed database
postgres=# ALTER DATABASE prod_etd_db OWNER TO whatever;
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE whatever to whatever;
postgres=# alter user whatever with superuser;

3. Backup and restore solr

On the old system:

Note: On the emory production server the index is called etds, but on the new server we want to change the core to follow the standard DCE pattern of calling the core after the repo name. If you follow these instructions you won’t need to worry about the name differences.

If you use the Solr backup API you won’t need to start and stop the solr servers on the prod or new servers.

Create a backup of the solr index using the solr API:

  mkdir /home/ubuntu/snapshot
  chmod 777 /home/ubuntu/snapshot
  curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/etds/replication?command=backup&location=/home/ubuntu/snapshot&name=etds'
Move the backup to the new server
cd /home/ubuntu/snapshot
rsync -azhvP snapshot.etds

On the new system:

Restore the backup to the new system

curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/laevigata/replication?command=restore&name=etds&location=/home/ubuntu/'

4. Backup and restore redis

sudo systemctl stop redis
rsync -azhvP /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
cp /home/ubuntu/dump.rdb /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
sudo systemctl start redis

5. Copy derivatives

Copy the derivatives from the prod server to the new server:

rsync -azhvP /opt/derivatives ubuntu@demo-etd.curationexperts.comes:/home/ubuntu

Move the derivatives into place on the new server:

rsync -ahvP /home/ubuntu/derivatives/ /opt/derivatives

Optionally, remove the /home/ubuntu/derivatives/ folder if the operation was successful.

rm -r /home/ubuntu/derivatives/

6. (Optional) Recreate derivatives

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake derivatives:recreate_all_etds