
Technical recipes for frequently and infrequently recurring problems

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Continuous Deployment with Travis and Capistrano

For many of our projects it will be desirable to have the latest master code deployed to a server for QA review without the need for manual intervention. Here’s how to set that up.

1. Ensure you can deploy to the server in question.

In this case we’ll assume a server called and a cap deploy target of cd. That implies that one should be able to deploy code via:

bundle exec cap cd deploy

We’ll use the laevigata github repo as an example.

2. Ensure you have a working travis CI build.

3. Generate an rsa key pair to use for deployment

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
 Enter file in which to save the key (/home/bess/.ssh/id_rsa): ~/.ssh/laevigata_deploy_rsa
 Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): (leave empty)
 Enter same passphrase again: (leave empty)

4. Add the public key to the deploy user on the cd server

Append the output of cat ~/.ssh/ to /home/deploy/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server to which you want travis to deploy.

6. Encrypt the deploy key you just created

Use travis provided tools to encrypt the private key.

  1. Install travis tools locally: gem install travis
  2. Run travis login and authenticate to github.
  3. travis encrypt-file YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY --add --repo=curationexperts/laevigata
  4. This will make changes to your .travis.yml file, including a command to de-crypt the file. Make sure these get saved and committed.
  5. Make sure you add the encrypted version of your key to version control, and NOT the original

7. Tell travis to deploy after a successful build of master

Add a block to .travis.yml that will run a capistrano deploy:

  - |
    if [[ $TRAVIS_BRANCH == 'master' && $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST == 'false' ]]; then
      bundle exec cap prod_upgrade deploy

8. Tell capistrano to use the rsa key

Add this line to config/deploy.rb:

set :ssh_options, keys: ["deploy_id_rsa"] if File.exist?("deploy_id_rsa")

9. Ensure capistrano can restart apache

Ideally, we’d use capistrano-passenger to restart passenger after every deploy. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work consistently. In order to ensure the deploy system is running the latest code, add a block like this to config/deploy.rb and ensure the deploy user has sudo rights to restart apache2 (if you’re using ansible-samvera build scripts, this should already be the case.)

  # Capistrano passenger restart isn't working consistently,
  # so restart apache2 after a successful deploy, to ensure
  # changes are picked up.
  namespace :deploy do
    after :finishing, :restart_apache do
      on roles(:app) do
        execute :sudo, :systemctl, :restart, :apache2

10. Commit your changes

You should have a changed .travis.yml and config/deploy.rb. You should also have a new, encrypted, rsa key. Make a PR with these changes and when it is merged to master it should automatically deploy.